Religious people is a good person, who care of our country furthermore good role play to keep peace in our country. They careful and to teach people about religion that how can follow and how can give knowledge about our religion to other person and how can persuade in their religion of people.They pray on the time furthermore,they give advise to people for live good life on the earth. Religious people good role paly in our country.Religious people should in country because when they will in lot range in our country then will good peace in our country because lot of people will trust on last day and in case they will do good work in our country so that they should do in our country They honest and like gravity and to people about dignity. When will lot of religoius people in our country when will more ameliorate our country and people will trust on the last day furthermore then they will not crime in country ;however they will save our country from crime so that most fundamental for our country. Government should to establish more religious sector in our country so that fundamental for our country people to teach about religion study where people could study of religion ,It is very decisive for very people in our country
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