Al-Hamra Public School, Chambapir Road Nouthia Peshawar.

Al-Hamra Public School, Chambapir Road Nouthia Peshawar.

This is a very good school in Peshawar and it has its affiliation with Peshawar Board. If you want to get admission in this school or if you want some information about registration, roll numbers, date sheet, results or examination please write down your name or e-mail address in the comment box and we will guide you about the entire procedure. You can also call 042-35855791 to get some information. Pacans has 5 branches in Peshawar.

Pacans has 100 branches in Pakistan. Pacans is offering tuition for IELTS, TOEFL, GAT, GRE, SAT, SAT-2  GMAT, NAT, Basic English, Spoken English, O levels, A levels, ECAT, MCAT, Matric, FA, FSC,,, BA, ACCA and Computer Courses. Call 0335-6096096 or 042-35855791. Canada Qualified Teachers.

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